January 25, 2009

New School Year Starts in Salacuim

A new school year in Salacuim is already underway. The program welcomed 3 new 7th grade students as scholarship winners. All of the graduating 6th graders took a test to vie for a coveted junior high scholarship. For many of the students in Salacuim, gaining a scholarship like this is their only chance to continue studying beyond 6th grade.

Congratulations to:

  • Helmut Román Leal Oxom
  • Blanca Quinillo Castro
  • Marlin Floridalma Caal

More updates to come.......

January 11, 2009

Guatemalan Scholarship Update

We've been back from the Peace Corps for more than 8 months now, but we're still trying to help the rural community that we lived in by helping local kids go to school with a basic scholarship. We updated the "Scholarships for Salacuim" website with a bunch of information about the program. The work relies on donations from individuals in the US. Check it out if you want to learn more... lachua.org/scholarships

January 5, 2009

More Family to Guatemala

It's a small world. Right around the time that we came back from the Peace Corps this past April. Kari's brother Mark was turning in his application to join the Peace Corps himself. In November, he received his invitation to join the Peace Corps..........in GUATEMALA! He leaves tomorrow and we're both really excited for him, and slightly jealous of the all the great experiences he's sure to have.

Que te vaya bien, vos marcos.

check out his blog at: http://markforsberg.blogspot.com/