July 16, 2006

Few new pictures

We've recently added a group of new pictures to our photo site....


July 12, 2006

Laguna Lachuá National Park

Laguna Lachuá National Park is one of the most pristine areas in Guatemala and also one of the least visited parks in Central America. Part of our goal is to work with the communities surrounding the park to help protect and conserve its resources. Below are some of our favorite pictures of the park.

July 11, 2006

4th of July week

It's time for a new post. The lack of entries are a good indication that we are settling into a routine here and just living life. It seems like there are few blog worthy reports on a daily basis. The rainy season is in full swing and our new challenge is dealing with molding clothes. We have been putting our heads down and working hard lately. Corby on designing and developing a new building for the police in a near by aldea and Kari on designs for the national park that they will for merchandise, brochures, web sites and any sort of publicity material. Our free time has been filled with working with a local youth group, teaching English classes at one of the schools in Salacuim and helping the neighborhood kids with their homework.

Last week we were able to escape to Guatemala City where we met the other 200 volunteers and had a 4th of July party. It seems strange to celebrate Independence Day in another country, but it seems to be more meaningful than it ever was at home now that we are here. After the party we were able to take a trip to the south coast and visit Monterrico. We spent 3 days on the black sand beaches of the pacific where we virtually had the place to ourselves. After spending a month in our site it was wonderful to relax and enjoy another part of Guatemala we had never seen before.

July 10, 2006

Alligator Video

alligator video

Here is an interesting nature experience that we had a little ways out of Salacuim one day. We thought these guys were taking us out to see an large iguana...we realized that we needed to improve our spanish when an 8-foot alligator walked out of the pond.